Unmatched labor market analytics and intelligence for

talent teams executives investors analysts talent teams

Access and filter the global talent pool, identify every trend in the market, gain a competitive edge in hiring and make confident decisions at every turn.

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labor market data reviewed on screen by talent acquisition leaders
Job market trends within a map of San Francisco

Discover global talent and labor market intelligence in one unified platform

With our Discovery, Analytics and Talent Mobility modules, the Claro platform provides real-time insights about open jobs and talent availability so you can hire better talent, faster. Moreover, our Job Seeking Sonar® tool can help you to accelerate time-to-fill.

Meet Analytics
labor market trends presented within a report

Instant insights, informed decisions

Obtain a week's worth of tailored, trusted research, in mere minutes. Claro's executive-ready, AI-powered labor market reports provide detailed insights into talent supply & demand, DEI, competition, compensation, skills and more.

Meet Reports
Filtered potential candidate results by location, job title and skills

Unlock 500+ million talent profiles with one click

Competing in the same talent pool as everyone else leads to fierce competition and stagnant outreach. With Claro’s Talent Intelligence module, you can find the perfect candidates, filtered to your exact needs, track job-seeking activity, uncover contact information and connect with the best talent from around the globe.

Meet Discovery
Claro Discovery tool in use displaying job titles from the Talent Supply Insights dashboard

Effortlessly dissect and explore each labor market trend

Make informed data-backed decisions; build dynamic talent acquisition strategies; and do it in seconds. With precise analytics and access to unrivaled talent intelligence, you can quickly gain insights into geography, DEI, talent mobility, salary and more.

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Access the insights you won't find anywhere else

Watch this video to learn how Claro Analytics can help your organization make more strategic decisions about talent and improve your diversity and inclusion initiatives.


Claro Analytics helps you improve your organizational capabilities

Data-driven DEI
Hiring and Compensation
  • Improve diversity recruiting strategies by finding hidden talent
  • Benchmark diversity initiatives against competitors
  • Ensure reporting metrics meet compliance
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Competitive benchmarking
  • Measure and track talent mobility inbound and out
  • Assess competitor job openings for new products or services
  • Analyze key data: diversity, skills, title, location and education
  • Compare internal workforce dynamics
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Attrition Modeling
  • Predict at-risk employees in real time with Job Seeking Sonar® 
  • Identify possible discrimination within the organization
  • Benchmark employee attrition risk against competitors
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Compensation and Planning
  • Assess talent market equilibrium: locations, skills, and salaries
  • Adjust compensation to local market conditions or talent scarcity
  • Develop scenarios to support remote workforce and work from home
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Self Service API
  • Connect your CRM, HRIS, ATS, or data visualization platform
  • Enrich your talent data warehouse with current social data
  • Overlay your attrition models with real-time job-seeking sonar
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Related resources

WilsonHCG offers market leading global talent intelligence and labor market analytics solution following integration of Claro Analytics

Leading global talent solutions provider WilsonHCG has announced that it has fully integrated Claro’s cutting-edge talent intelligence and labor market analytics platform...

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HRMorning: Michael Beygelman examines the HR data dilemma

Michael Beygelman, EVP of Product at WilsonHCG and Founder of Claro Analytics, guest authored an article for HRMorning about the HR data dilemma.

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